Week 2
For the very first week,Thanks to Allah, the whole lesson went through really well towards the end.
During the first class, we were introduced with the several UKM websites related to this particular subject that we'll be dealing with until the end of the semester such like the official website of 'Computer in Education', ge1155ukm.weebly.com. In this website, we are responsible and encouraged to make ourselves visible among the other students by joining and giving responses to the group discussion at the 'Forum' section. By doing so,we're not only be able to share thoughts and opinions on a certain topic among the students from the same program,but we could also get to share ideas among the students from other program.Lecturers are also not be left to get involved.By having this sort of group discussion in a quite big community, I believe that things will certainly get much easier and everyone won't probably find any difficulties to access through this website as it can be accessed anytime regardless of where you are.
Apart from that, we were also be introduced to this amazing website called weebly. this decent sites which offers a free online websites creator.It uses a simplistic widget-based site builder that operates in the web browser. All of Weebly’s site elements are drag-and-drop which is to me very user friendly.In my point of view, weebly is a great and helpful platform for those who wanted to share their interests and any reading materials that would probably benefit to other people.Yet, precaution steps should be taken when handling with this sort of social sites especially the site that claimed to be public where anyone can access through it, any details information or background profile are strictly protected to avoid from any crime to happen.
Week 3 & Week 4
Oleh kerana minggu kedua jatuh pada hari raya Aidil Adha, sesi pembelajaran diganti pada hari minggu ketiga,kesimpulannya, sesi pembelajaran untuk minggu kedua digabung dengan sesi pembelajaran minggu ketiga.
Pada minggu ketiga,kami semua diperkenalkan dengan satu lagi software iaitu google docs. Aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk berbincang sesebuah topik dalam kalangan ahli kumpulan masing masing.
Pada pendapat saya,pendekatan ini mampu memudahkan kerja berkumpulan,Saya yakin dengan menggunakan docs ini, ia mampu menjadikan proses pembalajran & pengajaran di dalam kelas lebih efektif dan berkesan.
Pada minggu tersebut,Kami diajukan sebuah topik untuk dibincangkan mengenai 'Komputer sebagai alat,tutor dan tutee'.Selain itu, kami juga diberi arahan untuk membincangkan tajuk 'Learning Management System, Course Management System and Content Management System' menggunakan google docs.
Apa yang dapat saya simpulkan di sini, ketiga-tiga sistem tersebut saling memerlukan antara satu sama lain dan setiap satunya mempunyai fungsi dan gerak kerja yang tersendiri.
Week 5
Today, We are initially distributed a task to be made in a group (group assignments)
we were assigned to make a presentation by using 'Google Slides'.Dr Fariza provided us with 5 different interesting topics to confer about.Each group will have a different topic. As for my group, we had been asked to discuss on 'Web 2.0 in Education'. From the discussion,we agreed that web 2.0 is a really helpful medium for education nowadays. As we are all aware that the implementation of internet technology in educational system for the goods of students and educators as well.
What can i summarize about the advantages of using google slides compared to power point is that google slide is easier, more lightweight and straightforward.
Next,Built For Collaboration: Collaboration is the big reason to go with Google Slides. The ability to easily share and simultaneously edit a Google Drive document is the platform's biggest selling point. Our presentations, like our documents, are increasingly created and presented with collaborators. A tool that is built around collaboration, such as the Google Drive applications, will always outperform legacy applications that have baked in collaboration features over time. The fact that everyone will always be on the same version of Slides, and that all the collaborators will have a consistent experience while editing and commenting, is a huge positive for Google’s apps.
Apart from that, it is Simple UI Encourages Simpler Presentations: This reason took me by surprise. I thought that I’d miss all the options in PowerPoint. What I’m finding is that by having fewer options to build the presentation my finished deck looks cleaner and simpler. It is possible to do animations and more advanced things in Slides, but the simplicity of the UI pushes you to create a simpler presentation. In an age where the one thing in higher ed that we all seem to agree on is that most presentations are bad, and PowerPoint makes presentations worse, a simpler tool for creating simpler and more visual decks may be our best way forward.
In addition,It offers Offline Access for Editing and Presenting: The big worry with using Google Drive has been offline access. It seems that Google is getting much closer to solving this problem. For Google Slides I needed to download the Slides App in from the Chrome browser from the Chrome Web Store . With the Slides app installed, and the settings set correctly in Google Drive, it is now possible to view, edit, and run Google Slides presentations when offline. Everything syncs up automatically whenever you are back connected to the Web. For big presentations with Slides I’m sure I’d export a backup PowerPoint and PDF file to host locally, but from what I can tell offline access shouldn’t be a problem anymore for Google Drive.
Moreover, Users are able to Access Presentation from Any Device: The ability to access any Google Drive document from any browser has always been a big selling point of browser based applications. There are lots of advantages, from always having your files backed up in the cloud to being able to keep working if your main computer dies. There is also a Slides app for iOS which allows creating, viewing and editing on an iPhone or iPad. How far are we from when folks run their presentations from their phones? Lastly,It is Easy Web Publishing and Sharing
Week 6
Assalamualaikum wbt and Hi everyone, How's your day going? I hope that you're doing great and feeling as fit as a fiddle.It seems like the haze is getting worst right? Please take a good care of your health ok? So,on the previous week, Dr Fariza had left us with a task (group work) in advance, which to be discussed among the group members. As been mentioned, Dr have provided us 5 different topics for each group respectively. However, my group was required to search and retrieve as many information as possible regarding 'Web 2.0 in Education' that to be presented on this week. After working on this for around 1 week,we had successfully completed the slides and had our slides presented during the class and we were quite proud with our decent presentation and glad that we came out pretty good.
What I had learned on this week is that, you have to be bold to give a talk in front of others and unleash the hidden talent of yours in delivering the ideas and speech in front of people. Moreover we, as the future educators, the talk that being presented must be clarified and understandable by everyone. Through this activity, I realize that cooperation and team work is really crucial in order to make a presentation a splendid success. Apart from that, we can also get a lot of information from the other groups too. We basically sharing our ideas and opinions that i believe valuable and very informative. I found this kind of activity can be very beneficial for someone to test their proficiency in speaking in front. In short, I think this activity should be done more often to encourage students to be a good speaker as well as a good listener. It's a practical way to make the student to be outspoken.
By the end of the class session, we were allocated with a task in which required each and everyone of us to create 10 multiple choice questions (questionnaire) based on what we had presented on this week. We were asked to work together among the group members to come out with an outcome and submit during the next class.
Week 7
Hello everyone!! a great praise to the Almighty Him for giving me this opportunity,again, to share my learning outcome and pretty much of what we have done through out the lesson taught this week. Apparently, Dr Fariza had left us with a task in which needed us to create 10 multiple choices questions and we were happy that we done it beautifully according to the criteria that demanded by Dr. Fariza herself. Besides, Dr. was also taught us about Internet security and software security.
A lot of new information that i received from this week lecture. Despite of the importance of learning to use this particular technology and make use of this technology, I also found that, it is vital to keep your computer secured and look after the computer from malware attack, suspicious threats, etc that would actually corrupt your device or bring harms towards the software of your computer We were also been given words of advise from Dr, saying that we have to be very cautious in dealing with internet technology these days especially for us that always be updated to social account, We were told to never ever share our personal information at our social account like facebook, blog and so forth, because there are many cyber crime or cyber bully had occurred because of this openness in exposing our personal details at our personal social account. The worth-valued advise that been allocated by Dr. had pretty much given me an awareness to be more careful in using internet from now.
Not to forget, we were also been introduced to Google Form. What is Google Forms? As far as i know, Google Forms is s one the tools available from Google Docs collection. They can be a useful tool to help you plan events, send a survey, give students a quiz, or collect other information in an easy, streamlined way. Knowing that this application has widely used by many people, I have no choice but wanting to know how to use this application. Before this, i haven't been introduced to this user friendly app, but after recognizing how effective our job would be if we use it, I feel so relieved that we don't need to manually create questionnaire by using Microsoft Words.
For this week, working with the group members, altogether we need to come out with >20 questions by using google forms.The queries must be related to topic presentation that we did on last week. The questionnaire will be submitted on the following week.
That's all for now. see ya!
Week 8
Hello everyone? ssup! so, time has been flying so quick doesn't it? could you believe that we're already on week 8? Goodness, I couldn't imagine that this semester is nearly to end by a few weeks ahead.. Unbelievable! it just feel like as if I got into UKM several days ago. Nevertheless, the past 7 weeks have been so much fun through out the class with Dr. Fariza!
Apparently, on this week, me and my classmates of three, didn't attend the class for a reason, we were absent on that day to say the least. We went to a school for an interview session with Guru Cemerlang at one of the secondary schools somewhere in Gombak.
The main objective we were there is to do a research .(i don't think i should be explaining any further as it got nothing to do with this subject matters ).
Anyway, even we didn't manage to come over, we did ask the others about what they had learned for the day, and they told us to proceed with the report as what had been assigned by Dr. Fariza on the previous week. I was so glad that we didn't have a new task been added by Dr. as I am so lazy to do one, After all, I hope I could finish the whole thing by the time within. OK for now~ see y'all next time . Bye
Week 9
Hi everyone. How you guys doing? Hope you doing just fine! On this week it was a mid semester break, Hence we were not having any classes on this week obviously.
However its an honor to be back here writing my reflections and able to meet up up again !!
Nevertheless, before the break began, we were being asked by our lovely Dr. Fariza to work on our report respecting the topic that we had presented on week 6. During the break, my group members nazrol, hilmi and I spent our times looked for facts and report's materials.
For this report, we gather our efforts in order to make the report a delight success. Ok then, seems that i have nothing much to say, as i was so busy having fun with my adorable niece this holiday. See ya!
Week 10
Assalamualaikum wbt and Good day Dr. Fariza and friends :D
Its week 10 everybody!! week 10!! I can't believe it! Sometime i got scared of time, it flies so fast! I hope Mr Earth knows how to slow down it's pace. By the way, on this week, we were introduced to one more software that is Microsoft Publisher!
To be honest, i have never used this software before, but now, I know what is the function of it.
Microsoft Publish is publishing application from Microsoft, differing from Microsoft Word in that the emphasis is placed on page layout and design rather than text composition and proofing. But the main reason its being created is to publish or create any sort of publication like flyers, catalogs, brochures, and so forth. There are so many choices of publication with colorful and unique design that we can choose and we may customize or personalize according to our own creativity too. Well, Dr required us to make our own advertisement of 'Dream Vacation' describe the places that we have been wanted to go since we were kids using this particular software.
Our 2nd task consist of making a presentation slides using powtoon. You know powtoon? I never used this either. lol
Well, that's not the matter now, Referring to our previous group topics, which is 'Web 2.0 in Education' we have to come out with another presentation, but this time using powtoon and i'm quite excited because i've never used it before. So i'm looking forward to explore the fun of making our slides more appealing and beautiful by the aid of powtoon..
However, we were still struggling with the report, We hope that we can tackle the hindrances and have our report done on time! No more procrastinate y'all !
Well then, that's all for this week, see you around ~
Hello again! Thanks to Allah for giving us chance to stay healthy and to write my reflection again on this week! /sigh/ final exam is so around the corner, and my preparation for it is still zero (honestly speaking). No worries! we still got time to study don't we? hahaha,
On the previous week, Dr. Fariza had assigned us a task where we need to make a brochure. So, on this week, presentation! we were asked to present our brochures about our dream vacation/places that we longing for the whole time of our lives. Well, yeah! I did quite good? I think?Hmm.. actually, Nope. As usual, i was shaking and failed to make an impressive presentation as the others,yet im happy that i customized my brochure pretty good and looking decent. Next, for this week's lecture, we learned about 'Multimedia' so apparently, multimedia consists of 5 major elements which are Image, Video, Audio, Text, Animation
And of course, you won't going back empty-handed. Homeworks!! So, madam did leave us a task (assignments lagi orz) in which required us to broadcast a video shot within 3-5 minutes long. The video that we need to produce must fulfill the condition of multimedia principle where the video must contain all 5 basics elements of multimedia that I had mentioned earlier. So, that's wrap up the reflection for this week! Annyeong~
Assalamualaikum wbt and hello there! How are you everyone? Hope you are all doing fine. Lately, I've been pretty active at forum on ge1155ukm.weebly.com and give opinions, ideas. Ironically, this happening towards the end of the semester, but at least I'm trying.(hehehe). Well, on this particular week, we were doing nothing much, but we had discussed about our group task on the video production. As I had mentioned on the previous week, we were assigned to make a video with regards to the respective topics ; Web 2.0 in Education.
This week, madam wanted to check out the storyboard that we have came out with, the story board consist of segment, visual graphics, visual camera, durations, effects, and narrations. The aim of having this storyboard is to give a brief idea about the story line of the video besides it eases us to proceed with the video shooting afterward, and thank god, our storyboard were being accepted by Dr. Fariza :)
Sundry of video editor that been introduced by madam, which I found them really user-friendly, aapplicable for any sort of video, as well as convenient to use. For instance, Filmora, Sony Vegas, moovly and so forth.Ultimately,my group decided to use Filmora as it offers a lot of effects, video filters and personalizations.Last but not least,we were happy and excited to shoot this video and make it fun! OK BYE~
Hello everyone! Hello Dr. Fariza, and my fellow classmates! So, how’s your day going lately? I couldn’t describe the mixed feelings that I currently having. As for sure, I’m feeling extremely anxious and terribly nervous as if a big load of problem carried on my shoulder (Don’t judge me). Sad? Apparently yes, I feel pretty reluctant to say good bye to our lovely Dr. Fariza as this was the last class that we were being on for this amazing semester. We are truly going to appreciate every hour we spent together every Friday in that convenience, freezing cold but friendship that kept us warm, accompanied by ‘Dell’ PCs that kept us on progress with our jobs and tasks. Yes, we will definitely miss it.
Since this is the last week that I’m going to write for my reflection, I thought about doing it more casually and It would probably be quite lengthy (whether you like it or not, bear your eyes to read it.just kidding. hehe) . I reckon that you are wondering about my reflection for week 13. In case you missed it, last Friday was a public holiday, celebrating Sultan of Selangor’s Birthday. Anyways, I didn’t waste the time but instead, I took the chance to shoot the video with my group members ; Nazrol and Hilmi. We had a pretty awesome time shooting (Oh god, I couldn’t move on yet, I hate shooting in front of others. It’s totally embarrassing. I easily freaked out matter-of-factly) Anyway I was quite happy we did it (it may not be the best one, but who cares? Nazrol spent one whole night without sleeping, editing the video to make it perfect at its finest.) Done with the video. You can check out our video at the ‘My Assignments’ section or you can just simply click on the URL given.
Coming to the real task for this week, we were taught about how to use Microsoft Excel. This week lecture basically trying to expose to us about how to use Mic Excel appropriately. We learned to key-in student’s marks and grades and organized it in order. I found this lesson interesting and advantageous for us, moreover, as future teachers, we will be dealing with student’s marks and this lesson will definitely be helpful. Thanks to Dr. Fariza! About an hour later, we proceeded with video presentation! (ok, this is so embarrassing). Without any further ado, the first group presents, then second, after that the third group, and finally, it is time for my group to present. I was so relieved when the video is over as if I finally recovered from a very severe stomach ache + head ache + tooth ache all combined in one. After all, we learned so many things and one of them is to embrace yourself in front of the class, just do it as it will, no need to be shy, because you will get something valuable from the presentation. Not only experience, but the moral value.
Last but definitely not least, I would want to apologize to Dr. Fariza and my classmates for any of my bad attempts that I employed during the whole semester. Forgive me for being childish (sometimes?), selfish (have I ever?) and any shenanigans that might offend your feelings.
Tremendous Thanks to Dr. Fariza for having us and coping with our mischievous behaviour and demeanour, (we highly appreciate your patience) and I hope nothing but death could break the bond amongst us. We will certainly miss you. There’s a lot that I learned from this GE1155 for this semester, and I found the most beneficial is making use of Google Drive. I reckon it will help me survived. Well, Good Luck everyone for the final! May Allah ease everything for us and we wish you the best for your life Dr. Fariza!